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What is a School Portal and How does it work?

Do you remember the days when we used to rush to check out the notice boards to get updates regarding upcoming events, exams, admissions, and other important aspects happening in the school? Standing behind and getting information was not an easy task, so what did we have to do? Ask someone or teachers about the updates. Nowadays, everything is controlled by technology, so why do schools need to remain in the old-school era? Yes, they have also changed and adopted a digital way for declaring updates. And, that is the School Portal! A school portal is a digital web page which authenticates valid users to get access to various academic details. You can even say it is an entry gate login page where students provide login credentials to access educational programs and other learning materials.

Role of School Mobile App in Education Management Systems

The invention of smartphones transformed our lives by almost 360 degrees. Now phones are not merely used for calling or sending messages. Most of our daily routine is managed through these palm-sized gadgets, right from paying bills and attending workout routines, to managing office meetings. All these tasks are handled through dedicated mobile apps which allow the users to work from anywhere, anytime with the help of their smartphones. No wonder, the education sector has been influenced by technology. School Mobile App development has seen the surprising peak of all time, especially during and after the pandemic. Managing school workflows has never been easy, but with the help of the right apps, users can enjoy a smooth ride.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education Management Systems

Are you familiar with tools like ChatGPT, chatbots, and intelligent tutoring systems? Yes, these AI-powered tools are buzzing nowadays. If you are familiar with the evolution happening in the education sector, then you will not deny that the invasion of AI in education is completely transforming the system. Integrated artificial intelligence reshapes the traditional one-size-fits-all approach and introduces personalized learning. Prominent benefits after this inclusion are so tempting that an all-time peak is seen in the AI integration in EdTech products like School ERPs, and LMS (Learning Management System).

We all know that learning is and will be a foundational part of our lives. But with the advancement of time and technology, we can overcome the flaws of traditional learning and give new perspectives to the entire education system. Let’s learn how Artificial Intelligence will transform the education systems today and tomorrow!

Comprehensive Guide about Competency Based Assessments

Do you know what the real purpose of education is? Yes, empowering the learners with a set of skills and knowledge to implement in real life to solve real problems. But how do you ensure that the learners can tackle the real-world problems? Right again, assessments! Although nobody loves assessments and exams, they are an integral part of any education system.

Again, when students graduate from schools and colleges, they are less competent as the industrial approach is different from the academics. So, making the learners ready for the implementation of knowledge rather than rote learning has become significant. This is what Competency-based Education is called for! Let’s learn about this exceptional approach in this blog!