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Online Video Classes Tutoring Script

Project Details

MenorahDirectory – Online Tutoring Script Tutors Menorah provides an innovative solution for the Students, Tutors, Institutes and Institute Tutors who like to expose their Requirements and specifying their platforms for learning or teaching. By using the latest technology, this Tutors Menorah System automates various operations such as Student Management, Credits System, Time Table Management, Salary Management, and Records & Profiles Management. This system is marked by a number of features such as news and events, profile search, messages, internal mail, etc. User-friendly interface and highly powerful user experienced design such that anyone with basic knowledge in computer can start this system..

Menorah Version 2.1 Features [ 03-01-2019]

  • Social Logins for Students (Facebook, Google plus).
  • New Beautiful and Responsive UI.
  • Tutor blogs reflects in front end, which are approved by Admin.
  • Admin can create new Admin user.
  • Admin get notifications for all important actions in site
  • Admin can Import data for modules Users,Categories,Courses,Options,Locations,Packages,Certificates.
  • Add category when tutor create selling course.
  • Tutor can provide certificate to student regarding course completion.
  • Admin can create new Admin user.
  • Tutor can add Locations which can be approved by admin.
  • Tutor can add Courses which can be approved by admin.
  • RTL Support.
  • Admin can edit,delete, change the status of Tutors blogs.
  • Email notifications when important actions occur.
  • Customized language settings module.
  • Admin showing complete details of payments.
  • Provided detailed Documentation (including BBB Setup).

Menorah Version 2 Features

1.Online Courses Selling

  • Registered Tutor can upload Audio/Video/Doc/Image/Pdf files by Course-wise
  • Tutor add curriculum(like lessons/topics covered in course) for courses by giving url or file as source and publish the course for selling.
  • Also Tutor can upload preview image and file for students to view as demo for the course before purchasing the course.
  • The Tutor course will be avail for Student only when the published course is approved by Admin.
  • Once logged in Student purchased the course, that Student can get the option for downloading that course curriculum/files.
  • Tutor can set Max. No. of downloads for a Course. And Student can download the Course files only that no.of times.
  • Tutor can view the Course files download history
  • And Student also can view their Course files download history
  • Admin will transfer the money(offline) to Tutor by deducting his commission percentage on each course purchase and update the payment status as “Completed”.

2.BBB (Big Blue Button)

  • When Student booked Tutor for online course, then the BBB will come into the picture. Tutor initiates the session at the booked time, and student also has to do the same on the session time. Then they will be redirected to virtual classroom.
  • Virtual Video Class which involves Student and Tutor to interact for the sessions
  • It also includes pointer for Tutor to teach by pointing at any object on the virtual classroom board.

3.Big Blue Button Requirements

  • You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements for Big Blue Button:

4.Multiple(Major) Payment Gateways Integration

  • a. In the system, multiple payment gateways are included. When the user wants to purchase the packages for credits, they use any of the payment gateway to purchase the package online.
  • The below are the major payment gateways integrated in the system
  • PayU (Fully Implemented)
  • PayPal (Fully Implemented)
  • Stripe
  • Tpay.com
  • PagSeguro
  • Web Money
  • Yandex
  • Payaza
  • Manual Transfer
  • 2Checkout (Fully Implemented)
  • Razorpay (Fully Implemented)

6.CSV import and export all possibilities

Demo Login Details:

Admin Login Details: admin@admin.com / 123456789

Tutor Login Details: bellaadwerd123@gmail.com / password

Student Login Details: micheljohn930@gmail.com / password

Institute Tutor Login Details: blimi33@gma.com / password

Institute Login Details: bebe34@gma.com / password